
An extensive choice

Stickers have various functions. They can be affixed to packaging for purely commercial reasons, or have an entirely functional value. Consider stickers on foodstuffs, say, or barcodes and photos. A packaging label provides instructions on how to heat up a ready meal, how to keep a frozen product, the degradability of a dinner service, the procedure for returning a product, how to use cosmetics or take care of a plant. Like to know how we can make the perfect sticker for you?

Your message sticks

It’s very important that food and non-food products are handled and consumed properly to minimize disappointment or problems. We provide support to ensure you also include the requisite information on your sticker. In line with national and international laws applicable to your industry. Shape, size, colour, the choice of transparent or opaque, the wording: you have control of all that. Or we can make a proposal to ensure you achieve all your goals.

The full package in packaging

We assist our customers with the development of the whole packaging process. From conception and design, to printing, die-cutting, folding and adhesion. The potential combinations for printing, forms and formats are effectively endless. We look forward to getting around the table with you to map out how your ideal packaging solution must look.

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